Casa Moonshine Zacatitos
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Casa Moonshine Zacatitos


WHALE SEASON is primarily from December to March and peaks from January to February. You will not want to miss the show if you visit during these months. Spend any time at the beach, and you will surely have the chance to see mother and baby whales spraying, breaching, and slapping their tails. The Humpback, Gray, Blue, and Fin whales are most commonly seen. These whales migrate to the warm, protected waters of the Sea of Cortez during the winter to mate, give birth, and feed. We recommend booking a whale watching tour if you are visiting during whale season.  Contact us for more information.

TURTLE NESTING SEASON is from June to December when Sea Turtles return to Los Cabos beaches to lay their eggs. There are several conservation groups nearby offering baby turtle release experiences. Contact us for more information.

WET SEASON peaks in August and September. Much of the East Cape is completely closed down for these two months because when a storm does come through, access in and out of the area is unpassable due to high water levels coming out of the mountains through the arroyos. If you are traveling during this time, have a flexible cancellation policy and be sure to rent a 4-wheel drive vehicle. The remainder of the year is, for the most part, totally dry. So the rain received in late Summer is much appreciated. The green season during and after the wet season is gorgeous as the desert bursts back to life with colorful blossoms in a sea of green foliage.

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